Corporate Storytelling
The art of communicating great business ideas.
The art of storytelling is the most powerful and compelling form of communication. It has existed as long as we have. We are constantly telling stories in our thoughts, in our daydreams and we do it endlessly in our conversations. Telling stories is an essential part of our often complex lives, as they give it meaning and significance. Stories have been used throughout time by all great leaders to inspire, persuade and motivate. They deliver a context, so that facts and bullet points have meaning for those listening to you.
Our workshops are designed to cover all aspects of presentations and public speaking including:
- Bringing life to the spoken word by creating picture and images.
- Using pitch, tempo and pause to ensure greatest impact.
- Understanding how influential body language can be.
When you fully appreciate and are able to source your expressive means at will, presentations and working relations can be transformed for the benefit of all.
- Suggested time: 2.5 hours
James Waters
Workshop Leader

I think it is the diveristy in my life so far which has enabled me to develop my unique way of teaching and sharing the knowledge I have acquired. I started when I was six years old as an Irish Step Dancer where I had performed in three world championships by the age of ten.
I then went on to train as a gymnast and by the age of 16 was a member of the English School Boys Gymnastic Squad. By the time I was 21 I'd completed musical theatre training and begun working professionally. I have appeared in the West End, at the Royal Shakespeare Company and in many television and film productions.
My teaching career began by pure chance after taking a sabbatical to train as a director and I have never looked back. I have now been teaching circus skills to children and adults for the past five years and I know the benefits to all are immense.
Debbie Gunertne

Debbie was born on a pearl in the Indian Ocean, the island of Sri Lanka. She has travelled the world telling and collecting stories. She founded Small Tales Storytelling Clubs, which train children in the art of storytelling, as she believes in passing on the oral tradition to the storytellers of the future.
Debbie leads workshops and conferences for international corporations, libraries and universities. As a qualified primary teacher and TEFL teacher she has pioneered storytelling in TEFL and storytelling leading to creative writing/ song writing/ puppet-making workshops.
She has broadcast for the BBC World Service in the series 'Telling Tales' and Radio 1 Ireland. She regularly performs at Hull Truck Theatre (Hull), Horniman Museum (London), storytelling festivals around the world and trains/ tours with Small Tales. Debbie is an associate artist for The Royal National Theatre and is presently part of the Harry Potter Storytelling team.
Vince Shiels

Vince is a professionl actor and director. He has worked in all aspects of theatre, television and radio from an early age. Originally from Ireland Vince trained at The Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin and the Academy of the Science of Acting and Directing in London.
As part of his training Vince travelled to Moscow where he studied and performed at the Moscow Institue of Theatre Arts. Vince teaches drama at Parkgate House School in Clapham where he has devised a course in Self-esteem for children. Vince is also married with three children and lives in South-East London.
A Bit About Me
Workshop Leader

I think it is the diveristy in my life so far which has enabled me to develop my unique way of teaching and sharing the knowledge I have acquired. I started when I was six years old as an Irish Step Dancer where I had performed in three world championships by the age of ten.
I then went on to train as a gymnast and by the age of 16 was a member of the English School Boys Gymnastic Squad. By the time I was 21 I'd completed musical theatre training and begun working professionally. I have appeared in the West End, at the Royal Shakespeare Company and in many television and film productions.
My teaching career began by pure chance after taking a sabbatical to train as a director and I have never looked back. I have now been teaching circus skills to children and adults for the past fourteen years and I know the benefits to all are immense.